Saturday, 9 November 2013

How Parisienne are you?

I have lived in Paris for three years now and it's hard not to spot certain Parisian stereotypes play out on the metro or in bars and restaurants. And although living here has changed me a little, I don't class myself in anyway as a "Parisienne".

The question is, though, how Parisienne are you? Take the quiz to find out.*

Saturday, 8 June 2013

A tale from the Loire Valley

In February, when my family booked our Easter trip to the Loire Valley, we pictured flowers blooming as we strolled through idyllic chateau estates.

“Spring.” We sighed. A hazy, perfume advert glow to our imaginations. Little did we know that Spring 2013 would turn out to be the coldest since 1987 and that tears of freezing cold would cause a hazy glow.

But we are British! And stoic against the cold (or biting winds).

So, on a Friday evening in April, we gathered at Gare d’Austerlitz. Bags packed with 48 pairs of socks, 14 jumpers, 10 gloves, and a balaclava. One hour and a half later we arrived in Blois, base camp for our arctic, sorry, antique exploration.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

A vegetarian in Paris

Cartoon from:
Because I like to make life complicated for myself, I’m a non-fish eating vegetarian and I live in Paris. As you’d expect, getting a good meal here is not very straightforward.

For me, French cuisine is a bit, “meh”, because actually, there’s nothing I can eat. French pudding, yes, bring on as much of that as you can, but raw cow? I’ll pass on that, thanks anyway.

The dedicated vegetarian restaurants in Paris that I’ve visited I’ve really not enjoyed at all. I’ve found the food really old fashioned with a kind of tie die dreadlock vibe that feels oh so 1994. Nothing like the excellent Mildreds ( in London, where even my dedicated carnivore of a brother will happily go.

However, after two and a half years of living in Paris, I’ve found a few places I can rely on for a delicious, veggie friendly meal. And seeing as they also serve meat, I don’t have to go alone!